Informed Consent, Release of Liability, and Privacy Policy 


Chelsea Betyou is a Fitness Nutrition Coach and not a medical doctor. Chelsea Betyou is a nutrition and wellness coach in the fields of Sports Nutrition and General Weight Loss. Chelsea will not write specific meal plans due to the nature of flexible dieting. If you wish to seek advice from a nutritionist, Chelsea can provide a trusted referral. Chelsea does not advise on any synthetic supplementation. 

If you have a medical concern that Chelsea feels needs to be addressed by a professional, she will make recommendations accordingly. Chelsea will not dispense medical advice, nor will she diagnose or treat any medical condition, but will provide nutritional support and education. She provides education to enhance [CLIENT] knowledge of health through the use of whole foods, exercise, and emotional awareness. While nutritional support can be an important compliment to my medical care, [CLIENT] understands that these services are not a substitute for medical care. 

[CLIENT] understands and does not hold Chelsea Betyou accountable for any such medications or supplements taken by choice during the time of coaching. Medications and supplements are the choice of the participant and are not required for participation. 

Medical and personal information and history divulged to Chelsea Betyou and Betyou Can Macro LLC will be kept confidential. Betyou Can Macro LLC will not share any of [CLIENT] personal and financial information without expressed consent. 

[CLIENT] gives consent to Betyou Can Macro LLC to provide fitness nutrition coaching and counseling to oneself. [CLIENT] agrees to hold Betyou Can Macro LLC and Chelsea Betyou harmless for claims or damages in connection with our work together. This is a contract between myself and Betyou Can Macro and [CLIENT] understand that it is also a release of potential liability.