
Receive my video guide, Macros 101. Learn how anyone can use macro tracking, regardless of goals! You’ll learn the fundamental skills of how to track properly, how to plan for success, behaviors that will help ensure you stay on track, eat at restaurants, and the role of exercise to goals.

Includes a custom set of macronutrient targets based on comprehensive questionnaire and your specific, current goals.

When you purchase this package, you will receive:

  • The Betyou Can Macro Getting Started Guide

  • Our Resource Guide, complete with a grocery list to compliment your new journey. Receive an easy-to-choose breakdown of fiber sources, proteins and vegan protein ideas, as well as how to track alcohol and dining out. Additionally, we’ll get you set up through our partner application—My Fitness Pal—so that you can build easy-to-find recipes there.

  • My Macros 101 video course

  • Access to my private Betyou Can Macro Insiders Facebook group.

*By purchasing this package, you agree to our Privacy & Consent Statement.

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