Jon's Transformation

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No longer trying to out-work his diet.


In 2018 Chelsea and her family came to our Christmas party after having moved to Albuquerque from Phoenix. Little did I know that big changes would come to our gym and especially me a few months later. I started a journey to lose weight when I started CrossFit at the beginning of 2018 and was able to lose about 50 pounds on my own by changing some habits around and working out probably four hours a day at least. I tracked calories but didn’t really know much about how just tracking calories or eating my calories was hurting me. I lost motivation towards the end of 2018 and started to gain weight again.

In comes Chelsea Betyou and her amazing food at gatherings and her talking about macro counting which I really didn’t know much about. In March 2019 I weighed almost 262 lbs again – just 20 pounds shy of my heaviest weight. Though I was much stronger and definitely in better shape I still had a lot of excess that was holding me back. I also didn’t know where to start again.  

Chelsea took the time to really educate me and work with me on how I was currently tracking and what things I could start to change in my habits for a long term loss. We really narrowed down that I was eating way more than I needed. I could still have the same energy, but eat less and make better choices. Once I got my macros on target I started to see the weight just drop and drop fast. By July I had dropped into the 210s, and the amazing thing about the whole story is I didn’t lose any muscle, I actually gained muscle along the way. I wanted to lose weight and be able to maintain the results and not just fall off the bandwagon and I am accomplishing that now.

I can’t thank Chelsea enough for all the support she provided and still provides to this day and the impact that she has had on how I look at food and working out. I have learned so much and will continue to utilize her tools for success with everything I am currently doing and more. Thank you Chelsea for being such an awesome coach, friend, and resource!

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