Erin's Transformation

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35 pounds down (and a new relationship with the food she loves)


If there is a lose weight fast gimmick out there I’ve tried it!

Queen of Keto, Weight Watchers, starve yourself HCG, Pills, Shakes and my favorite… Pay a gym thousands of dollars to scream at you 5 days per week, do double workouts and eat chicken and broccoli everyday for 12 weeks until you lose 40 pounds (most of which was muscle) and become one of their poster success stories only to gain it all back and then some.


Because no one can commit to living on boiled chicken and broccoli or only fat or no carb for the rest of their lives without ever enjoying, well, anything.

Then you wake up one day, sad and depressed because you feel like a failure and your friend tags you in a post on Facebook and Chelsea Betyou enters your life.

Betyou Can Macro has been an absolute life changer and lifesaver for me. I learned to love myself and have developed (and am still developing) a very healthy relationship with food.

In the macro world there are NO bad foods, nothing is off limits and we learn to make healthy choices the majority of the time and can still fit things into the plan that most would consider “bad” foods such as desserts, pizza at birthday parties and an occasional Pumpkin Spice Latte just to name a few.

When I started this journey in September of 2017, I was at my heaviest of 216 pounds.

By March of 2018 I was down a whopping 35 pounds and eating the things I loved with zero restrictions (if it fits into your macros you can eat it)!

I am still a work in progress and loving the process everyday.

Chelsea is super attentive and always available for questions. Her “macro hacking” recipe skills are amazing! (Just wait until she leaves you a motivational paragraph in your spreadsheet — WOW!)

I promise you will not regret choosing Betyou Can Macro for your journey no matter your end goal.



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